The Latest Trend in Blogging - Vblogging: Is it for you?
Blogs gained popularity amongst people because with these you could easily hide your identity as well as discuss the subjects about which you feel the most. However, vblogging is changing the anonymity involved in blogging.
Vblogging allows you to see the face of the blogger, while he talks about what they want to say. There might be some people who might be comfortable in front of a camera while others might not be. Such people can stick to traditional blogging.
Vblogging is not for you if you are a camera shy person. Also if you do not have the time for two or three posts per day then the better option for you would be typing the posts. Though many people are logging on to see vblogs, there are many who are loyal to their favorite blogs. So unless your blogs are uninteresting and flat, you do not have to worry about readership since the market is large enough for all types of blogs.
It is required that you pay attention to a few things, if you have decided to vblog. The most important is that you will be seen by millions therefore it is necessary to protect your identity. Your image, once loaded will be on the internet for a long time, therefore, if you do not want to be seen then vblogging is not for you. However, people will still tune in to your blog if they find the commentary interesting.
You can look into many things to make your vblog interesting. It is very important that you keep your vblog short, humorous and engaging. Rambling on about things will not help in case of a vblog. Creating weekly themes for your blog can make people tune in for their daily installment of the weekly topic.
A vblog is similar to a traditional blog in many ways. You have to decide what topic you are comfortable in or how much time you can devote for your blog. You can also hire actors to read the scripts that you created. You can even wear a disguise when you vblog. This will also protect your identity.
It is not difficult to set up vblogs. All you need for vblogging is online camera and time to upload images on the vblogging site. Most of the people vblog at least twice a day. However, this might be difficult for those who also have blogs to write. Vblogging is fun especially since it allows you to talk to your audience right away and this will also increase loyalty among your audience since they can connect with you in a better way.
VBloggers are currently gaining the status of being reality stars without shows. Vblogs also include others in the Vbloggers’s lives thereby making it more interesting. If you are intrigued by the lives led by others then you might be interested in watching vblogs.