WHOIS Domain Name Search
Do you have a domain name? If yes, then your private information will be publicly available to anyone who searches for it. By doing a WHOIS domain name search, one can easily search the owner of a domain name.
The domain name registrars recently have started to give users the option of selecting the privacy option when registering a domain name. This option is not available by most reputable companies of the fear that it would seem they are hiding their true identity. The option will be obviously taken by individuals working out of the home. If that is the case, then you will only get the contact information of the domain name registrar when you search for ownership of a domain using the WHOIS domain name search function. So you will only be able to get information of those domain names that have not opted for the privacy option. While performing a WHOIS search, you have to simply enter the entire domain name into the search box and then press enter. You will get the complete information of the domain name address if the owner of it has not selected the privacy option. The information that you get includes their name, full address, telephone number, the date the domain name is set to expire and the hosting IP.
If you do not want people to see your personal information, then you have to contact your registrar and check with them whether they are providing the services of privacy option. If not then you have to change your registrar and find the one that offers such facility. These days the facility of privacy option is provided by many of the registrars free of cost or at a minimal charge.
One thing that could come in your mind is that the solution to this problem could be to enter false information in the form and in this way you will not have to select the privacy option. Well it looks easy but it is the violation of terms of the contract with your registrar. If caught, your domain name will be taken away from you.
One option is available if you neither wish to opt for privacy option nor wish to let people see your information. Simply rent a post office box and use it as your address. In this way, post box number is given to those who search it on a WHOIS domain name search and hence your private information remains private.
Doing a WHOIS domain name search is simple. Just go to any domain registrar’s homepage and click on the link or tab which says, “WHOIS”. The rest is self explanatory. www.samspade.org is a useful link for that matter.